7 Functions of an Ombuds
You may have heard the word “ombuds” before, but you might not be sure what they do. Ombuds assist employees seeking to raise and resolve issues within a company or organization. Imagine you are in one of the following situations:
- You are a new employee who has just received their first performance review. Perhaps you disagree with your manager’s feedback but are unsure where to turn.
- You are a manager, and you see one of your employees insult a co-worker. Although you know you must address it, you are unsure where to begin.
- You are an HR representative. You’ve been working with an employee and their manager about their communication issues, but it seems to be going nowhere.
Many companies worldwide, from Pfizer to McKinsey to the American Red Cross, employ ombuds to help employees in these situations. Regardless of their organization, ombuds serve as an independent, impartial, confidential, and informal resource to help employees resolve conflict and solve problems.
That’s a big task, and you’re probably wondering how an ombuds achieves it. Below, we summarize the seven functions of organizational ombuds.
The Typical Functions of an Ombuds
Manage conflict
Conflict is inevitable in the workplace, and everyone, from new hires to senior managers, is subject to it. Most workplace conflicts are effectively resolved through informal channels. A seemingly small conflict sometimes festers and creates a more significant issue for team dynamics, productivity, and morale. Employees may struggle to resolve the issue on their own. They may also rightly recognize that their conflict is inappropriate to raise in a formal channel. They want to fix it, but they aren’t sure how.
As an alternative to formal channels, ombuds allow employees to speak openly and honestly about what is bothering them in a safe place. These independent and neutral conversations with an ombuds provide clarity, perspective, and guidance. The ombuds’ goal is to help employees manage their conflicts more effectively rather than avoiding them or raising them through formal channels.
Help brainstorm solutions
After listening openly and honestly to anything employees say, ombuds can help employees by brainstorming solutions and making suggestions. Their goal is to empower employees by collaborating in the brainstorming process. Ombuds also work with employees to ensure their recommendations meet their interests and needs.
Ombuds’ suggestions can range from small, specific changes in a single employee-manager relationship to improvements that could be implemented throughout an entire department. They draw from their expertise, past experiences, knowledge of the organization, and understanding of what is important to the employee to contribute a range of potential solutions.
Improve coordination
Ombuds are a source of knowledge for how an organization’s processes work. They spend time learning about each organization’s complex structure. If you have a complaint, an ombuds knows who to go to and what options are available.
Ombuds also coordinate to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. They will follow up on issues and raise them to ensure they are dealt with. Ombuds facilitate the process and ensure every person in that process feels heard. Moreover, ombuds act as an organizational check and balance, increasing employee accountability and ethical behavior.
Share accurate information and referrals.
Ombuds are a source of knowledge on company policies and resources. Managers and employees may know about their company’s policies, standards of conduct, or rules at a high level, but they may not know as much about their details. Ombuds know the details of these policies and can use this knowledge to assist employees in navigating company rules and standards.
Ombuds also facilitate referrals to other appropriate company resources. Employees may not realize they can work with HR to resolve certain concerns, access professional development resources such as training and coaching, receive mental health counseling, or many other benefits companies provide to help their employees succeed. An ombuds will assess employees’ concerns and interests and connect them with the right company resources.
Train managers and employees
Ombuds can also provide a variety of training designed to meet an organization’s specific needs. These trainings can range from individual coaching to department-wide, or even company-wide, presentations. For instance, if two employees complain about working together, an ombuds may create specific training on different communication styles to help the two employees better understand each other. An ombuds may also hold general training on topics such as the importance of communication, negotiation theory, or meeting facilitation.
Provide upward feedback and recommendations.
Sometimes, senior leaders only hear about a problem in their company once it is too late to address it adequately. Employees may fear retaliation, feel burnt out, or not know how to elevate their concerns beyond their direct manager. Their concerns and feedback never reach the leaders who can enact change.
Ombuds provide employees the confidentiality necessary to garner honest, direct feedback that leaders can act upon. In particular, outsourced ombuds offer an added layer of independence that promotes employees’ comfort and allows the ombuds to get an honest pulse of employees’ concerns.
As ombuds work with employees, they track trends and themes arising from their concerns. These trends are reported to senior leadership, along with the ombuds’ recommendations for resolving and managing employees’ concerns. This allows an organization to address issues, which builds trust with employees proactively.
Promote efficiency and productivity.
If an employee has a concern, big or small, an ombuds is one call away. An employee can find solutions to everyday conflicts and concerns through an informal, quick conversation. The ease of connecting with an ombuds allows employees to address their problems earlier, enabling problems to be solved more efficiently and with much less impact on productivity and relationships.
Not only can an ombuds program help employees navigate one-off concerns, but it can also promote productivity throughout the entire workforce by building trust with employees. With an ombuds program providing a consistent and reliable pulse of employees’ concerns, senior leaders can respond with understanding and practical solutions. This creates a high-trust environment, and research shows that people working at high-trust companies report 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, 13% fewer sick days, 76% more engagement, 29% more satisfaction with their lives, and 40% less burnout.
In this way, ombuds promote employees’ efficiency and productivity, whether they work with them directly or not. That’s a high payoff for an informal, accessible service.
In Conclusion
Setting up an in-house ombuds program at your company can be challenging, time-consuming, and overwhelming. MWI’s outsourced ombuds program can help you think through your needs and, if helpful, create and implement an outsourced ombuds program for your company, organization, or university.
Contact MWI’s Director of Ombuds, Josh Hoch, to see if an outsourced ombuds can assist your organization.