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Negotiation Skills Workshop

Based on principles developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project and the bestseller “Getting To Yes,” MWI’s interactive workshops are designed to build skills to negotiate collaboratively, producing better outcomes for all parties while enhancing long-term working relationships.

Difficult Conversations

MWI’s Difficult Conversations Workshop offers advice, tools and a framework designed to help participants better understand their own and others’ behaviors during difficult conversations. This program equips participants to manage their emotions by grounding their identity when preparing to engage in difficult conversations skillfully and with confidence.

Influence Without Authority

MWI’s Influence Without Authority Workshop equips participants to lead teams, resolve issues, and achieve project goals collaboratively, even without formal authority. Through tools like relationship mapping, it teaches effective influence strategies, facilitating the creation of personalized action plans.

Collaborative Communication

Today's workplace requires more collaboration than ever before. Honing collaborative communication skills is essential for success, and well-being - throughout your career. Based on principles developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project by the authors of the bestseller Getting to Yes, this one-day Collaborative Communication Workshop is designed to help participants.

Forty-Hour Foundational Mediation Training

MWI's Forty-Hour Weekday Mediation Training prepares professionals for effective mediation through a comprehensive online program. Meeting various legal requirements, it equips participants with the skills needed for mediation roles, including opportunities for practical application in court cases after completion.

Refresher Program

MWI’s eight-hour Mediation Skills Refresher Program online via Zoom recharges and prepares mediators, emphasizing best practices in negotiation, handling challenging behaviors, overcoming barriers, and managing power dynamics.

Eviction Mediation Training

MWI’s Housing and Eviction Mediation Training is an advanced program for mediators, addressing unique challenges in resolving landlord-tenant disputes, including homelessness, property ownership issues, and effective agreement writing. The training emphasizes the intricacies of mediating eviction cases in District and Municipal Courts.