Marvin Johnson
Mediating Workplace & Employment Matters with MWI
Phone: 617-895-4026 | Email: mejohnson@mwi.org
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Dispute Resolution Experience
Marvin Johnson is a mediator with MWI and the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution, the first dispute resolution center founded in the University of Maryland System at Bowie State University. He is a nationally recognized mediator, arbitrator, and trainer with more than 30 years of dispute resolution experience. Mr. Johnson was Professor of Labor Relations, Law, and Dispute Resolution at Bowie State University (16 years) and was Adjunct Professor at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law (4 years). He provides diversity and dispute resolution training and lectures extensively on the subject of conflict management. Mr. Johnson has been recognized by three Presidents of the U.S., a Secretary of the U.S. Department of State, a Governor of Maryland, a Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, and a County Executive for Prince George’s County, MD for his dispute resolution expertise. He has served on numerous national dispute resolution boards and panels, including the Association for Conflict Resolution, the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution, the International Academy of Mediators, the American Arbitration Association, and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Mr. Johnson received a B.B.A. from Kent State University, an M.S. from the University of Wisconsin, and a J.D. from The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law.
Honors, Memberships, and Professional Activities
ADR Awards
- Maryland State Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution’s Chief Judge Robert M. Bell Award for Outstanding Contribution to ADR in Maryland (2010)
- New York State Dispute Resolution Association’s Andrew Thomas PeaceBuilder Award for advocating peaceful means for resolving conflict (2009)
- The Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) Institute’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Diversity in Alternative Dispute Resolution (2009)
- Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) announced the creation of the Marvin E. Johnson Diversity and Equity Award, as a tribute to Mr. Johnson’s diversity efforts within Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) and ACR and throughout the dispute resolution field (2007)
- Catholic University, Columbus School of Law honored him with the Black Law Students Association Alumni Achievement Award (2007)
- American College of Civil Trial Mediators’ “2006 Lifetime Achievement Award” for his major contributions to the ADR field (2006)
- Named by Mediate.com as one of the thirty-one “best known and most experienced mediators in the world” (The Mediators: Views from the Eye of the Storm, Volume 1, DVD-2005)
Memberships (Professional Organizations)
- American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution (former Council Member)
- American Bar Association, Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity in the Profession
- American College of Civil Trial Mediators
- International Academy of Mediators (former Board Member)
- Association for Conflict Resolution (former Board Member)
- Society of Federal Labor Relations Professionals (former Board Member)
- Pennsylvania Bar Association
ADR Panel Member
- Federal Service Impasses Panel (September 2009- present)
- CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution Employment and Fair Housing
- Foreign Service Grievance Board (2005-2007)
- Maryland State Labor Relations Board (2002-2003)
- Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel (2000-2002)
- Federal Service Impasses Panel (1999-2002)
- US Postal REDRESS (1998-present)
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (1984-present)
- American Arbitration Association National Rosters of Neutrals (1984-present)
- Author of many articles on ADR and diversity, including “ADR Techniques and Procedures Flowing Through Porous Boundaries: Flooding the ADR Landscape and Confusing the Public” (Practical Dispute Resolution, Volume 5, No. 1, 2010); “The Gated Community – Risk Aversion, Race, and the Lack of Diversity in Mediation in the Top Ranks” (Dispute Resolution Magazine , Spring 2009); “Racial Profiling in America: The Problem and the Challenge” (ACR Resolution Magazine, Fall 2003); “Adjusting to Changing Priorities” (2002); and “Emotionally Intelligent Mediation: Four Key Competencies” (Dispute Resolution Alert, Volume 5, No. 3, 2005; Practical Dispute Resolution, Volume 2 , No. 2, 2001)
Lectures and ADR Trainings Conducted
- Skill-Based Mediation Training–40 Hours (1984 to 2011)
- Assessing Our Internal GPS (Global Positioning System) When Navigating Cultural Diversity and Conflict (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
- Advanced Mediation Training (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008,2009)
- How Diversity and Culture Add to Successful Resolution (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Annual Conference, April 2011)
- The Challenge of Maintaining Our Equilibrium (FEMA, May 2011)
- Racial and Ethnic Underrepresented Groups in the Dispute Resolution Field: Barriers, Promises and Challenges for ADR Professionals (National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, April 29, 2010)
- Critical Settlement Skills – An Introduction to Interest Based Bargaining Techniques (FLRA, March 2010, April 2010, May 2010)
- Navigating Transitions through Conflict (NYDRA, Annual Conference, October 2009)
- Arbitration Advocacy Workshop (NEA, July 2005-2011)
- Help or Hinder: Attorney Techniques That Will Affect Your Client at the Mediation Table (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Annual Spring Conference, April 2007)
- Culture, Conflict and Diversity: A Barrier To or an Opportunity for Success (Coalition University-NACCHO, November 2007)
- Conflict Resolution Training (Montgomery County ECC, December 15, 2006)
- ADR – What is it? How to use it. What’s your role? (NACVA Maryland State Chapter, Fall 2006)
- Arbitration Skills Training (NTEU, 2006)
- Mediation Advocacy (Arnold and Porter, 2006)
- Increasing Our Market Share: Promoting Mediation at the Micro- and Macro-Levels (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Annual Conference, April 2005)
- Grievance Review Board Training (Academy for Educational Development, October 2005)
- Managing Conflict in the Workplace (MACRO, October 2005)
- Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Annual Conference, 2004)
- Breaking Impasse: Techniques Mediators Use to Avoid or Break an Impasse (ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Annual Conference, April 2004)
- Representing Clients in Mediation (National Bar Association, 2002)
- Effective Dispute Resolution in Negotiation and Advocacy (Maryland State- Attorney General’s Office, 2001)
Background and Education
- Mediator, Arbitrator, and Trainer, Accormend Associates, 1984-present
- Executive Director, Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution, 1986-present
- Associate Professor, Labor Relations, Law, and Dispute Resolution, Bowie State University, 1983-2000
- Director of Legal Programs, National Academy of Conciliators, 1983-1984
- Assistant Counsel, National Treasury Employees Union, 1981-1983
- Attorney, Federal Labor Relations Authority, Office of the General Counsel, 1980-1981
- Law Clerk, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Office of the General Counsel, 1979-1980
- Legal Research Assistant, National Football League Players Association, Legal Department, 1978-1979
- Federal Labor Relations Specialist, Dept. of Labor-Management Services Administration, Office of Federal Labor-Management Relations, 1974-1978
- Labor Economist, Department of Labor, Labor-Management Services Administration, 1974
- Catholic University Law School, J.D., 1980
- University of Wisconsin, M.S. Industrial Relations, 1974
- Kent State University, B.B.A., 1972