Common Cause Dispute Management Information and Referral Page
Common Cause employees have access to services and training provided by MWI. These services are designed to help employees and staff effectively address and resolve conflict.
Common Cause has access to MWI’s panel of dispute resolution professionals who are available to work with staff to surface and resolve work-related issues. The professionals are an independent, impartial, confidential, and informal resource for Common Cause staff and do not replace Common Causes’s formal administrative channels at Common Cause or talking with your manager.
Facilitated Discussion / Mediation
Facilitated Discussion or Mediation is an informal process in which parties agree to work together, with the assistance of a neutral from MWI, to discuss their concerns and work out a solution. The mediator helps to facilitate communication and empowers parties to create their own resolution. Mediation is a flexible process that allows the parties to discuss, in confidence, any issues they choose to address and determine the outcome.
Departmental Climate Assessment and Facilitation Services
When there may be a larger issue within a department, MWI is available to work with the entire department at Common Clause to diagnose and help resolve the issues. This is accomplished by MWI gathering information from all department members using anonymous surveys and holding confidential follow-up interviews to gather and provide management with a detailed assessment of the state of the department. This information is used to design an action plan that might include a series of mediations to resolve past disputes, followed by a department-wide facilitation to help members envision and define a path forward.
Workshops and Training
MWI has delivered training programs and workshops since 1994 to build the capacity of employees and management to work through their differences on their own. Available training topics include:
- understanding your current approach to conflict and dealing with differences productively;
- facilitating productive and meaningful meetings;
- listening and communicating effectively;
- using negotiation to create value and build strong working relationships.
Participants will also have opportunities to examine real-life scenarios and develop a strategy to resolve those issues. Each program is designed to be interactive and fun and provide participants with new skills and tools to apply immediately after each training program. Programs range from one hour to two days.
Looking for someone to talk to about a situation at work? Contact one of the team members below for confidential, impartial, and independent assistance with a work conflict or concern.
Get Started
For More Information
- Questons? Contact Josh Hoch, Director of Ombuds & Mediation Services at or 617-895-4028.